Thursday, May 21, 2009

October Sky

Recently my unit watched a movie called October Sky. This movie is about four guys who grew up in a coal mining town but then developed an interest in rockets. They started building rockets in there town and became very successful. This movie relates to science and the character education program in our school.
This movie relates to science in many ways. First of all, the main focus of the movie is rockets. In the movie it shows how they fail making their first rockets but then fix it. In the end you can figure out how to make a rocket exactly how they made it. Also, this movie took place when the Russians lunched Sputnik in 1957. This was one of the biggest steps in space exploration. Seeing the satellite fly through the sky gave Homer, the main character, the inspiration to make his own rocket. Once Homer and his friends built a rocket that worked really well they entered it in the County Science Fair. The winner of the County Science Fair went on to the National Science Fair. At the science fair Homer explained how his rocket worked, and everybody was amazed by it because it was the first of its kind. He won both the County and National Science Fair. After he won the National Science Fair he was offered many collage scholarships which was a big deal because most people in that town grew up and became coal miners, and only about two students every year went to collage. This movie doesn’t only relate to science though, it also relates to character education. Homer and his friends had to work and cooperate in order to make their successful rocket. If they fought all the time then they would have never been able to make their rocket. Assertion is shown because Homer works hard and showed people that even though you grew up in a coal mining town, you don't have to be a coal miner. Respect is showed because Homer respects his dad even though his dad is rude and mean to him. Even though his dad didn’t encourage him, Homer's mom showed empathy and encouragement. Lastly, this movie shows self-control. No matter how mean, rude or discouraging some people were Homer never lot his temper. He showed self-control because he just ignored the name calling and mocking and shot for his dream. As you can see, this outstanding movie connected to both science and character education.

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