Who: Scientists
What: They discovered a new species of climbing catfish
Where: near the remote shacks of Venezuela
When: the fish was found and started being researched twenty years ago
Why: They decided to research it because it was abnormal
I think this article is important to read so people can realize that new things are found every day. Also, people should read this article so they know what is happening around the world. The new fish that they found sound really cool and interesting. I would want to read more into it, and maybe even see one, one day.
On January 20, 2009 Barack Obama's was inauguration. This was a really big deal in American history. It was the most watched inauguration in a long time. In addition, there was the biggest crowd ever to be at an inauguration. All races all around the world joined together to witness this historic event.
First Article: (click to retrieve)The author makes a good point in this article when he says "Celebrations weren't limited to Washington. Across the country, friends and strangers gathered on the streets and in schools, bars and auditoriums to witness Obama's inauguration, united in their hope that he will deliver on his promise of change." What he was trying to say is that this event is so important that people don't just stop partying in one state, people are partying all over the world. The message that the author is trying to get across in this message is that Obama is a great person and i going to great things for our country. Also he is saying that Obama is a great as some of the other leaders involved in the civil rights movement.Second Article: (click to retrieve)In this article the author says "It is especially fitting to celebrate the words of Lincoln as we prepare to inaugurate the first African-American president of the United States." What the author means by this is that this is not the only change we should celebrate. My take on this, is without Abraham Lincoln, Barack Obama couldn't be president today. Also, I think that it takes one great person to lead to another, to lead to another.Opinion:I think that this whole experience is amazing, but i do have a couple of questions. With two articles on the same subject, how can two people have two different views? In the first article, The author says that Obama is great and as amazing as Martin Luther King. On the other hand, in article two, the author thinks that Abraham Lincoln is a hero and should be honored
Who: African and Asian elephants
What: Scientists believe that elephants in the zoo have a shorter life span then in the wild.
Where:In the zoo and the wild
When: in the life span of an elephant
Why:some scientists believe that it is because of stress or obesity
I think this article is important to read because it shows people how sometimes capturing a wild animal is not always a good thing. Also, it shows that even though it looks like you are helping something you may not be. You have to be very careful on how you help something , especially a wild animal like an elephant.